Personal Injury Attorney in Prince William Virginia

The dog is the animal that most coexists with the human being. It is known that it is the animal species that best adapts to life in the bosom of families, and is considered as the best friend of man. Also, its development through millennia has been in parallel with the development of humanity. We could say that the dog is “a human work” almost equivalent to the use of fire or invention of tools in prehistory. If your neighbor has a dog in their apartment in Prince William County and it has bitten when you visited their home, then you may be eligible for compensation for injuries and damages you have suffered as the result of such incident. In this case, you must retain a well-versed personal injury attorney in Prince William Virginia as soon as possible to defend your rights.

Archaeological studies reveal that 31,700 years ago the dog lived domesticated in close relationship with a man. However, we must mention that like any other animal, a dog also has an instinct that acts in favor of its conservation and survival. Accidents can often happen when these pets and other unreasonable animal species bite. When a dog has bitten you on someone’s private place or in public area in Prince William County, then, besides seeking medical attention as soon as possible, you must consult an experienced personal injury attorney in Prince William Virginia to know what legal action you should take and if you are eligible for compensation.

No matter which is the smallest or largest breed, the reality is that all dogs can bite at some point. There are two factors that influence the education and socialization of an animal during its life and will make you have a predisposition or not to show this behavior. A dog can bite countless times, especially if it is an animal in contact with people who do not know it, says a personal injury attorney in Prince William Virginia. If a dog bites, it does not mean that the pet is bad. Rather, it is simply because it can happen for multiple reasons, such as:

  1. It feels threatened – cornered
  2. If you demonstrate a physical aggression
  3. When you do not use proper techniques for their education
  4. For fighting with another dog
  5. For dominating and controlling their “possessions”
  6. Because of fear
  7. If dog is a victim of sparring
  8. Dog is used for fights
  9. Playing inappropriately with a dog

We have to make it clear that, whatever the reason for which the dog has bitten, the causative factor has nothing to do with us as long as it is treated with respect and care, especially if it is a pet that does not know us. In the first instance, it is the responsibility of the dog owner to always go out on the street with the dog using the leash, and in the second it is our responsibility to maintain distance and precautions in the presence of an animal without a leash, recommends a personal injury attorney in Prince William Virginia.

Personal Injury Attorney in Prince William Virginia – call us at 888-437-7747.